Our Story

The Filo Project was founded by Libby Price and Liz Dennis in 2014, drawing on their years of combined experience in dementia care and research.
Liz was engaged in a PhD focusing on the role of music in the everyday lives of people with dementia. Libby was working in dementia day care with small groups hosting from her own home. Liz attended Libby’s sessions as part of her research for 6 months and had the opportunity to observe at close hand how people living with dementia responded to the small group dynamic and Libby's unique way of working.
Libby and Liz were strongly of the view that even in austere times the value of people should not be lost. In a sense, using the commercial sector as a model in which the bottom line of financial gain is a great motivator for creativity and innovation. Libby and Liz believed that the same verve should be applied when the profit is the wellbeing of people. The Filo Project was born when Libby began hosting our first groups.

It quickly became clear that the model of care Libby was facilitating was wonderfully effective and, moreover, was relatively easy to expand into new areas. It provided exactly what group members and their families needed; dignified and meaningful day care in a non-stigmatised environment, combined with regular respite. From those burgeoning early days with just 2 groups we now have 100 groups running each week across Devon, Somerset, East Lancashire, Cornwall, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.